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 Institutional Partners: 

Dan and Margaret Maddox Fund

San Francisco Presbytery (PCUSA)


We have created individual giving circles that honor the legacy given to the women who make up a portion of the GATE team. We invite you into these spaces as partners for the movement we are building. 

 Mary's Mission 

 ($3500 and above) 

Mary is Yolanda Norton’s mother. Mary is strong, determined and willful. We encourage others into this giving space; this is a circle filled with those who are determined to shift the social landscape to encourage intersectional justice. 


-Colleen McGrath 

-Anonymous donor​

Christine's Corner

 ($2000 - $3499) 

Christine was Yolanda Norton’s paternal grandmother. She was a gentle, nurturing woman, always attentive to hospitality and care for the village. Christine’s Corner is a space for those whose gifts of hospitality are to care for the village. 


-Karen Carter

-Scott Clark and Jeff Wilson

Maria's Mountain

 ($500 - $1999) 

Maria is Luisa’s mother. Her strength and resilience carried her from war-torn Angola to Portugal where she reunited with family and built a family of her own. She raised two wonderful daughters and has always been dedicated to showing them that they are loved and encouraging their dreams. Maria’s mountain is a space for those who are dedicated to helping Black girls and Black women from around the world know that they are loved, and encouraging their dreams. 


-Fatima Varner 

Suzette's Sanctuary

 ($25 - $499) 

Suzette is Melitssa’s mother. Suzette has always been a model for Melitssa and her sister about what it means to shine--to occupy space in the world and never to give up on yourself. Suzette’s sanctuary is a space for those who are committed to creating sanctuary for others, and letting Black girls and women know that it is okay to occupy space in a world that has made space for them. 


-Deborah Appler

-Mary Jo Alderson

-Carl Benner-Chaffich

-Courtney Bryant

-John and Johnnie Carter

-Jennifer Awes Freeman

-Johanna Lemieux

-Johnna Pressley

-Michelle Santiago 

-Casey and Phil Sigmon

-Anne Sprissler

-Katherine Sprissler-Klein

-Joann Whitt

-Rachel Williams

-Chelsea Yarborough

Donate Today

We couldn't do the work we do without your help. We are always accepting donations to help make this work possible. 

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